Lithium toxicity – Signs and symptoms, Causes and Management.

Lithium is a metal, but in medicine, it is used to treat bipolar disorder and refractory depression. Refractory depression means depression that failed other recommended medical management. Lithium is excreted through the kidneys, therefore, your patient must have a normal renal function if you want to initiate lithium therapy. It has a very narrow therapeutic range,

Sublingual Captopril (Capoten) is linked with major stroke and death. no longer recommended.

Previously sublingual captopril was given to lower blood pressure in the emergency room. But several cases of large cerebral stroke are reported and it is no longer used worldwide. But in developing countries and peripheral rural areas, it is still used by those physicians who don’t have the means to get the latest information, either electronically,

Letrozole vs clomiphene for pregnancy in polycystic ovarian syndrome

Letrozole which is an aromatase inhibitor, which blocks the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and thus blocks the negative feedback effect of estrogen on FSH. Therefore, the level of FSH increases and the chance of follicle maturity increases.

Clomiphene also works by increasing the level of FSH and LH. but clomphene acts directly on hypothalamus.

treatment of chickenpox in pregnancy

Treatment of Chickenpox During Pregnancy. Post Exposure & Post Diagnosis

Chicken Pox in PregnancyExposure to ChickenpoxTreatment in PregnancyReferences / CreditsChicken Pox in Pregnancy Chickenpox in pregnancy is a serious condition which must be treated, Pregnant Patients present to outpatient or emergency department with chickenpox lesions, so the health care practitioner must know how to deal with such condition, as if untreated, it may cause fetal [...]

Oritavancin vs Vancomycin for treatment of gram positive infections

OritavancinVancomycinOritavancin Vs Vancomycin Reference / CreditsOritavancin Oritavancin has a chemical structure similar to that of Vancomycin. Oritavancin is a lipoglycopeptide and is effective against gram-positive bacteria including Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). It is available in the market with the name of Orbactiv®. Vancomycin Vancomycin is also a lipoglycopeptide antibiotic and is effective against gram-positive organisms including [...]

Guidelines: Management Approach to Sepsis / Septic Shock – Summary

Background Stages of Sepsis Diagnosis of Sepsis Management of Sepsis References / Credits In order to manage a patient suferring from sepsis, you must first know the stage of sepsis the patient is suffering from because the management is different for each stage. Sepsis is defined as systemic inflammatory response syndrome as a result of [...]
Harms of drinking extra water research

Don’t Drink More Water – Just Drink What You Need

Our body is comprised of 60 to 70% of water by weight [1]. Water is an important natural nutrient and usually, it is witnessed, doctors as well as nutritionists, advise their patients or clients to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. The common benefits which are attributed to more water intake include;

  1. It regulates your body temperature
  2. It protects your heart
  3. It burns your fat
  4. It prevents constipation.