HASAAN BIN IHSAN asked 5 years ago

I’m about 19 and feeling heart palpitations for 2 months.But don’t know reason till now.Following Tests are done and are normal. ECG done twice. CBC about 14 TSH is 2.04 Electrolytes B12 Ferritin level about 85 Chorestrol/Uric acid Kindly share and help

1 Answers
Dr. Adil Ramzan Staff answered 4 years ago

Thank you for asking the question.
It is important to know when do you have those palpitations. Do you feel them in the morning? day or at night when you are about to sleep.
24 hours Holter monitoring can be offered to determine if there is heart problem. If all come negative then we give symptomatic management, maybe a short course of an anxiolytic or proton pump inhibitor along with reassurance could help.
Best regards