meerab hayat asked 4 years ago

i am feeling pain in my upper left side in the chest region since yesterday. the feels somestimes more sever and sometimes less but not gone away even for a while since yesterday.i feel pain in my left shoulder(or slightly lower but at the same position wher the chest pain feels), aleft arm .i used panadol and aspirin for pain releif

1 Answers
Dr. Adil Ramzan Staff answered 3 years ago

Thanks for the question,
but please note age and previous medical history is important to answer such questions,
If you are young and has no prior medical history, it could be musculoskeletal, and pain relief medication and exercise are all which is needed. An ECG is usually recommended for all chest pains to rule out cardiac pathology,, and sometimes blood tests including vitamin D and CRP helps in diagnoses in intractable cases.