Meryum Munir asked 4 years ago

I have heel pain from almost 8 years, I have carried out uric acid test and foot xray, both were normal, now I have doubt of plantar fasciitis as pain occurs in morning on getting up and on standing for sometime, I want your suggestions and about the treatment process, I have also started exercises for heel pain but still there is no pain relief.

1 Answers
Dr. Adil Ramzan Staff answered 4 years ago

Thank you for asking the question
if you are obese or overweight, then lose weight,
second check your vitamin D levels, most of the women have its deficiency and they complain of body pains.
3rdly, over the counter pain killers, NSAIDs usually helps with the pain. wear soft shoes, do not walk barefoot.moreover, the treatment of plantar fasciitis is longterm, it doesn’t resolve in days but takes weeks to months, you need to stick to treatment and do not leave it because it is not working, if one treatment doesn’t work there are several others, from rest, splinting, corticosteroid injections, physical therapy, Extracorporeal shock waves, even surgery, therefore, keep following your doctor’s advice, and if one treatment doesn’t work tell the doctor he will move to the next step, moreover give the treatment some time to work.
best Regards.
Dr. Adil Ramzan