Nida asked 4 years ago

My daughter is having herpangina fever. Today is the 6th day. It all started on sunday night around 10 pm. The fever was initially 101 then it spiked onto 102.6 then again it’s coming down to 101.4. Is it ok that fever is lasting for 6 days now? My daughter is 2.2 years old.

1 Answers
Dr. Adil Ramzan Staff answered 4 years ago

Thank you for asking the question.
Here you are giving me a diagnosis, you said, “your daughter is suffering from hyper-angina fever”. I hope it is diagnosed by a doctor.
It is a viral illness. Viral illness are self-remitting and they need supportive management, such as pain killers and anti-pyretics (paracetamol). The fever should start to come down after 4 to 7 days, if it doesn’t happen, an alternative diagnosis should be considered. although complete recovery and regain of energy may take longer time, but fever should come down within 5 to 7 days. please contact your doctor.