Medical QuestionsCategory: PainHow do I get rid of Calcium kidney stones?
Cera asked 8 years ago

i am 36 almost 37. I have been dealing with kidney stones for 10 yrs. I have had 15 surgeries to replace a stint my urologist placed in my ureter because it was so scarred up from urologists using a tool called a wire basket to go up and grab stones that are stuck and cause my kidney to become engulfed. I had a pee bag. That hurt bad. I drink only water and lemonade. I have no stint anymore, but I am really trying to find out anything I can do to keep them away. Please help with any information that you might have access to that I do not.

1 Answers
Dr. Adil Ramzan Staff answered 8 years ago

Thank you, Dear Cera, for asking the question. 
As you have multiple surgeries for kidney stones, now you are at risk of developing following problems

  1. Recurrent kidney stones
  2. Urinary tract infection
  3. Urinary tract strictures 
  4. Chronic kidney disease

Now in order to prevent urinary tract stones to recur, you should drink more fluids. You should drink enough water daily to make your color of urine clear. If your urine is colorless, clear then it means you are taking enough fluids. If your color of urine is deep pale or yellow then it means you aren’t taking enough fluids. Concentrated urine increases the risk of formation of kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and progression of kidney disease. So drink enough fluids that make your urine colorless (water like). Cranberry capsules are very effective to protect against urinary tract infection, discuss with your doctors about them. limiting animal proteins, sodium, and calcium intake may also help, but the best way is to drink enough fluids daily. The best way to prevent urinary tract strictures is to avoid infections, and the best way to avoid infections is to avoid dehydration and good personal hygiene. 
I think I have answered your question, if you think that you need more clarity on some point then please reply to this answer. Best Regards. 

Dr. Adil Ramzan

Cera replied 8 years ago

Dear Dr. Raman, The only thing I drink is water! So, needless to say living in Florida I am almost always at a risk for dehydration. I was doing some research and a Harvard Medical Study regarding kidney stones came up with a great new saying, ” If you have kidney stones , makes lemonade!” Two men that I have talked to that get kidney stones put lots of lemons in their water and are able to pass the stone. Is it possible the acid in the lemon juice breaks down the stone, so they are able to pass it? Ever since this information became available I have been drinking lemonade once in awhile. The study also stated that a glass of wine or a beer a day actually decreases your chance of having more stones, especially in women. You discussed with me that some calcium intake is good and even though 10 years ago when this all started for me the urologist , that scarred my ureter up in the operation, also told me that I should totally remove calcium from my diet. I did not. Now, the study is saying it’s important to have calcium in your diet if you don’t want more calcium stones. I believe what gave me calcium kidney stones was taking prenatal vitamins for a year which are full of calcium and my body wasn’t able to handle so much calcium and I developed kidney stones. So, here are my questions .1. Is lemonade ok for me to drink? 2. I do have chronic UTI’s. My urologist now said it is most likely due to a kink I have in my ureter. These UTI’s I have are only noticeable when I go to see my primary care physician and then my urine is always positive for one ( no matter how much water I drink). It does not hurt when I pee, but what I am scared of is the infection traveling to my kidney then bladder. Do you think I should recommend to my primary Doctor that I take a low dose of antibiotic like Cipro to try to get rid of these chronic UTI’s? Thanks so much for your help . It is honestly , greatly appreciated 😊 Sincerely, Cera