Medical QuestionsCategory: Drug informationWhy Amiodarone is prescribed? It has weired side effects.
mister asked 9 years ago

Dear Doctor
Thank you for your time. My Uncle who is a 55 year old healthy male, has been prescribed with amiodarone. He had some heart problem called atrial fibrillation. I have checked its side effect profiles, there are dangerous side effects such as pulmonary fibrosis and thyroid problems. Is there any thing else we can do to deal with his atrial fibrillation, as I don’t him to use this drug any more.
I will greatly appreciate a reply.
Best regards

1 Answers
Dr. Adil Ramzan Staff answered 9 years ago

Dear Mister, 
Thank you for asking the question. 
Amiodarone is an anti-arrhythmic drug, which is used to treat irregular heart rate. Atrial fibrillation is one of the causes of irregularly rapid heart rate. Treatment options include, antiarrhythmic drugs such as amiodarone, Calcium channel blockers or digoxin and if drugs are not an option then doctor advices a cardiac pace maker, which is a small device, operated by a battery, which send electrical impulses to heart at regular intervals, control the heart rate and thus prevent the heart from generating its own impulses. So if you don’t like using amiodarone, then you may discuss with your doctor about alternatives such as insertion of a cardiac pacemaker, or other drugs such as beta blockers, CCBs or digoxin, but don’t stop taking amiodarone without consulting your doctor because it may predispose your uncle to another attack of atrial fibrillation. 

Best Regards. 
Dr. Adil R

mister replied 9 years ago

Thank you so much Dr. Adil for such a quick reply. I will discuss with his doctor about the alternatives. Is it safe to use amiodarone for few days?

Dr. Adil Ramzan Staff replied 9 years ago

You should continue amiodarone as directed by your doctor, follow up with him and discuss about the alternatives, you shouldn’t stop it on your own. side effects usually appear after long term use. But do monitor him for any s/s of side effects, such as cough, shortness of breath, discoloration of skin, dry puffy skin, sensitvity to heat or cold, slow heart beat, sweating etc. If any of these symptoms appear, see your doctor immediately.

mister replied 9 years ago

Thank you so much doctor, Thanks a lot for such a quick reply. God bless you. cheers.